All posts by rmorrisette

Rob’s story

I was in an abandoned school with two friend,Bob and Jeff. It was a halloween night. We saw a mutant vampire. It was a vampire-werewolf-scketeton-slime-dragon.We were trapped by a zombie t-rex . Bob  ran into the darkness, and we never saw him again. We went in a room.We got a machete,and we fought our way out.

Personal Narrative

Do  you  like to treat or treat on Halloween night? I do!     Last Halloween, my brother and I dressed  like ninjas.We took a pumpkin-sized basket to get a lot of candy. We went in a big haunted house.There were monsters  jumping out all over the place. We got bunches of candy. My brother and I even got a water gun. At first, I thought there was candy in it.I peted a horse that people were riding in the neighborhood . A lady gave us 3 hand fulls of candy.     We had the best Halloween yet. I never forgot that Halloween boo! dan it.